To give every child a chance to live like you. Healthy and Happy (til SOS Børnebyerne)

To give every child a chance to live like you. Healthy and Happy (til SOS Børnebyerne). Donate.

In November 2021, I made a small decision of becoming a godmother to one of the children from SOS Børnebyerne. She is five years old. She lives in Nepal and attends school inside the “SOS Børneby”, which they call home. It is where their guardians are and together with a staff(s) responsible for the administration. Children were from either war, poor countries or catastrophe, where social welfare is challenged and doesn’t have enough capability to support or protect every child.

My decision was voluntary and is not connected to any of my projects. It makes my heart full knowing that this little me is able to contribute to the society. We are just a grain of sand, but each and every one of us combined, we could accomplish something we want to happen. This fundraising idea started on Mother’s day last 8th of May. A fundraising event was conducted by both the staff and volunteers, where they went around houses to encourage people to donate any amount they are willing to give. My ambitious goal is 5000 danish kroners (700 dollars). Proceeds will go to the projects of SOS Børnebyerne for children all over the world (Africa, Asia or Europe).

Read more about SOS Børnebyerne.

I thank you personally for your donation and participation to this fundraising homepage that I committed myself into for 120 days. If in case, you are not able to donate, we respect it and accepts a “no, thank you”. You are not obliged to donate by receiving a link to my fundraising homepage for SOS Børnebyerne.

Best Regards,

Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

The Ecological way

This article was written on August 18, 2018 under the previous Blooming Etiquette’s website.

The Red “Ø” mark

In this section of my blog, we will talk about ecological “økologisk” food products. Does it costs more? Is it healthier? What is the story behind promoting ecological products? Does being ecological has something to do with culture?

My homegrown organic cayenne peppers

It doesn’t costs as much as you thought.

Whenever one says it is organic, it is ecological. Organic is widely used as a description for food that were produced without pesticides, additives and GMO. Today, we uses the term ecological more than organic. It refers to the high standard methods in farming up to considerate slaughtering of animals. The use of fertilizers and limiting the use of excess water to crops is also part of it.

The economic status varies from country to country and the same with people. Promoting organic products is widespread in Europe, since transport is easier and trade access is bigger between countries. On a brighter side, exporting and importing of goods outside of the european union creates harmony and economic development to both parties.

I am a food enthusiast and my passion for cooking has grown fondly when I came to Denmark. In most days, I read cookbooks as inspiration. I started using danish / local food varieties because they are cheaper than imported goods from Asia & America (that I am used to). After some time, I discovered that in a Danish supermarket, one could find a wide variety of spices for asian and nordic cuisine. I have always thought that “økologisk” ecological/organic are a little expensive than the normal locally produced products, but then I learned that it is good for our bodies and for the environment. By doing so, we contribute each time to the further development and sustainability of ecological food products.

Roasted organic garlic and cayenne peppers in olive oil

In the picture below, I used fresh organic orange peels & juice and other spices. Rice is also ecological and taste a lot better.

Delicious dinner for two

In my homeland, Philippines, organic farming has started and a number of private individuals and organizations has been actively developing ways in the sustainable organic farming. As I write this blog, it has been 28 months since the last time I visited home and the information collected are from reliable sources from the main website(s) of the subjects.

Last November 2016, the Department of Agriculture- National Organic Agriculture Program celebrated the 2nd Organic Agriculture Month with the theme “Organikong Pamamaraan: Para sa Kaunlaran ng Mamamayan at ng Kalikasan”. The theme encompasses how Organic Agriculture can address the timely issue on Climate Change and how OA ensures environmental sustainability and safe food for the Filipinos by eliminating the use of chemicals in producing organic products.

Ecological. Organic. Better and Greener Living.

Animal welfare

For non-vegetarians, our consumption of meat is higher than vegetables. Did you know that the quality of meat is dependent on how it was raised/produced or killed for human consumption?

For example, one of the most ecologically produced meat is chicken since it doesn’t need much process to produced them. In most cases, they could be in a farm where they could walk freely.

On the other hand, pigs that has been taken care well of by providing a bigger space for them to walk around whenever the weather permits them, checking their health conditions up to bringing them to slaughter houses will definitely produced better quality than those of non-ecologically or poultry grown pigs.

Preventing the use of pesticide(s) and additives

Vegetables and other crops are also some of the most ecologically produced food varieties, whether local or international. Limiting or if possible not using any pesticides; these stays in the fruits or vegetables even after washing them with water.

Did you know?

Potatoes are labeled as environment-friendly /ecological than rice? These nutrient-rich root crops can be grown in our backyard and are easy to harvest.

In Denmark, potatoes are paired with many dishes and are cooked in different recipes. One of my favorite is the “flødekartofler”.

You might be interested to try it the danish way. 🙂 I got this recipe from:

I translated it from danish to english for my readers.Flødekartofler – Verdens bedste  Preparation time            Cooking in the oven            Total time15 minutter                      2 hours or less                      2 hours and 15 minutes
 Ingredients: World’s best flødekartofler / cream potatotoes

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 2-3 big leeks
  • 1 fed garlic (2 or more if you want to get a strong garlic taste)
  • 0,75 liter fløde /cream (I suggests cream without sugar)
  • ½-1 tsk stewed nutmeg
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Cheese (Gouda recommended)

1. Peel your potatoes and cut them into 3-4 mm thick slices – like with a mandolin if you have one.

2. Clean the leeks and cut them into slimmer slices – take as much of the green of the porridge as  possible.     

3. Garlic peel and cut into ultra thin slices.     

4. Stir the nutmeg into your cream in a bowl.     

5. Now put your potato slices and pork slices into layers in a refractory dish. The potatoes must cover the whole layer where the porpoises can be poured a little more loosely on top. Finally add 2-4 of the ultra thin slices of garlic and grind a little (!) Salt and pepper on top.     

6. Now pour the cream – it should cover exactly 75% of the potatoes, if necessary, add a little extra cream.     

7. Place in the oven at 175 degrees for 1.5 hours. After one hour, you just feel in the potatoes with a pinch, they are still very hard, you can use screw screw up to 200 degrees.     While the potatoes stand and bubble in the cream, you’ll find that the cream thins a bit – here you have to keep calm. If you beat cold water in the blood and let it fit yourself, the cream will boil and eventually be pleasantly creamy.

8. If you want cheese, take the cream potatoes out of the oven 15 minutes before serving, pour a little grated cheese emmentals or gouda on top and put it back in the oven. When the cheese is golden, your cream potatoes are ready.


Cream potatoes can be cooked well in advance and warmed up before serving. If you do, I recommend storing the cracked cheese just prior to serving.

Why it is better to buy locally produced food products?

If we are able to produce our own organically grown vegetables in our garden and farms, we naturally save up money.

Animals doesn’t need to be transported by long driving on the road before slaughtering that will cause them to be stressed.

Vegetables, fruits and other fruit crops doesn’t need additives or pesticides to keep them stay fresh longer.

Our support to the economy will be greater if we buy our own local products.

On a business/ trading aspect, supporting our local products also means producing large amounts for export to other countries that are not capable or finds it hard to produce food varieties because of climate, resources and weather conditions.

Denmark became one of the first countries in the world to introduce legislation on organic production. The first act was passed in 1987. Shortly afterwards, the state inspection logo, known as the red Ø logo, was introduced.

The Ø logo is an inspection label and shows that the latest preparation of the product has taken place in a Danish company inspected by the public authorities. Therefore, the logo can be seen on both foods that originate from Danish organic farms and on imported foods that are processed, packed or labeled in Denmark. -Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark

The world leading organic nation

The Danish consumers are the most pro-organic consumers in the world. In fact Denmark has the world’s highest organic share and the most well-developed organic market.

A year in Greenland. The Unspoiled land. 

Published on February 2017

If there is one place that you will add on your countries to visit, would you consider traveling to which many refer to the unspoiled land?


The pictures presented are personal photos of Jacob. Learn about living in the biggest island in the world. When I was young, I used to wonder about the eskimos in the North Pole and since I grew up in a warm tropical country – Philippines, I was undeniably amazed to hear about Jacob’s journey in Greenland for the whole year in 2005.

In my interview with my nordic man, I saw a glimpse of Greenland and the Greenlanders. His immersion to the depressing winter months under the northern lights in winter and his great tropical feel like under the midnight sun in summer (6 months of winter and 6 months of summer).

Be surprised how unspoiled the island is; its preserved nature. Greenlanders were perceived as good hunters.Sheree: In a year of stay in Greenland, what are the things that you have discovered or considered unique when it comes to their culture? (cite at least 3, could be a mix of positive and negative discoveries).  Jacob:  They are known to be very good hunters and are very practical in the way of using everything from the killed animal; consuming all the meat including the internal organs and making totems using the animal bones.  Totem(s) is a human-made bone or stone landmark.
(see the link on the bottom of the story)  Greenland.com read more detailed definition of Totems (Inuksuk) in the link below.

or check out the link: One negative side that I have seen is the alcohol consumption problem. As a result, some of the greenlanders get lost (in their way of living) and some even die of overdosage from alcohol and they have a tendency to find it difficult to control. It is the same with some individuals around the world. It is not a consequence of their personal problems, they are actually satisfied with their life in general. Simple and quiet.  I find greenlanders very happy and loving but also tend to be aggressive sometimes. I think it is equal to the level of aggression, danger and unforgiving nature that surrounds them.  Sheree: Did you find it easy connecting with the locals in Greenland? How simple their lifestyle is? You made an impression that it is the “unspoiled land” and the land where the good hunters are.  Jacob: In most cases, you will see them in the bars/pub and so it makes it easier to connect to them; greenlanders love to socialize to new comers or foreigners. On the other hand, talking about their daily life, it is quite the opposite — they tend to be reserved in that manner.  As a navyman at that time, I did not had much time to converse with them intimately.   Sheree: They must have really good beer in there. :p   Alcohol and beer cooling by the glacier water. Jacob and his colleagues sat beside the ocean. “Det var hyggeligt”. Moving over to the next question.What is the most remarkable experience you had in Greenland in 2005?   
Jacob: Hold da op!  A lot! From glaciers calving resulting to icebergs. Sweety, have you ever seen a muskox before? Sheree: I do not have much idea about that. Could be an animal?  Jacob: A wild one. Seeing a muskox up close when I was driving our guard-car (a four-wheeled landrover), the muskox used it as as a scratching post. 


 More on my remarkable experiences. I could never forget The wildest thing that I have experience was seeing the massive land and ice without any humans or animals around the area and no background noise at all.  Sheree: It must be a very peaceful land.   Jacob: Nemlig. Det var forunderlig. I have never experience something so beautiful and pure than that in Greenland. I could remember the taste of the purest water one could ever imagine.  Sheree:  I believe that there is a chance that you will visit Greenland again in the near future. Please take me there and I promise to wear wool stockings. hi hi! 😉 😀  Sheree: Let us talk about more about the places you’ve been in Greenland.  Jacob: Let us see… Going to many historical spots from a viking grave to an old abandoned mining town. Added to the remarkable experience was the weather itself. Incredible snowfall on more than any other country that I have been. Once the snow fall reached over a meter snow in an hour, it was like going through a white densed cloud. Jeg var heldig! I knew how to get back to my barraks on a sense of direction since I could only see more than one arm length in front of me.  read a detailed information about ice calving here: or read about ice sheets in the official tourist of Greenland here:    Sheree: Tell us about the Greenlanders point of view about technology and global warming.First, were there some situation where you get to be involved about their technology?  Jacob: Since I was an electronics mechanic at that time, I had a lot to do with their communications technology; from maintaining the operational function of the main antennas up to fixing their computers in Ivitut (Grønnedal). They actually have the same level of technology as we have in the big cities.  Sheree: Skat, I want to learn more about global warming, so this question is very important to me. How does the greenlanders feel the impact of global warming?  Jacob: They are very aware of the global warming since for them it means more snow and rain (ice rain). Greenlanders have also noticed that a lot of the sea ice has disappeard quickly. Normal ways of traveling over it has changed drastically. Before, it was possible to cross over the inlets by solid ice on foot or a vehicle (where the sea goes to the land) and now they have no other choice but use boats instead.  When it comes to technology people in the cities seems to have the same level as we do in denmark but outside of that I am not very aware of it. They are very dependent of the parabolic antennas for directed communication.  

ParabolicAntenna Sheree: Aside from the notion that some people from Asia thought that it is extremely cold in Greenland, since it is considered up in the north pole, would you like to enlighten us about the Northern lights in the winter and Midnight sun in the summer?   Jacob: Det er rigtigt skat. The temprature in Greenland is very low and especially when its very windy the cold is harsh and penetrates like bone-deep. But at the same time when there is no wind and the sun is shining, it feels like a bright summer day even if the temperature is down to -20 degrees celcius.  I did see the Northern lights there, it looked liked waves in the sky like light rolling over the night sky. In the summer time the sun is up in the sky 24/7 and it is very hard to tell the difference between nighttime and daytime. One will also find it very difficult to sleep since your mind thinks its daytime still that is why i slept mostly with the thick curtains drawn and a sleeping mask over my eyes. Northern lights. Photo credits of Mads Phil, Visit Greenland flickr, greenland.com more about Aurora Borealis also known as the northern lights  Sheree: Tusinde tak min skat. 😉 Det er dejligt at vide om din fantastiske oplevelser i Grønland. Vi skal have en tur derover snart og lære at jagte. 🙂

Here is a link to Greenland’s main (tourist) website.

E-book, I-book and iBog®Books in my backpack

Do you remember the times when you went to school carrying a heavy backpack? I can still recall when I was in sixth-grade, I needed to use a bag with rollers so my books and notebook could all fit in it without me carrying it on my shoulders. I got a nice 50 x 34 inches trolley red bag that was given by my aunt and a cute head of a bear in front to lock it that says “teacher’s pet”. Well, during that time I did not care so much about what my classmates had to say. I was happy about the bag and my shoulders did not hurt anymore.

In highschool, carrying books or notes was not usual in my time. We used to borrow books from the library and return it the same day, but they are limited and we take turns instead. Books are available in the market of course, but we prefer to be very practical. We get photocopies instead and use the back of the paper to take notes. A student should remember to bring yellow pad and a pen of course. I survived high school with that habit and most of my batchmates could relate. During that time, e-book readers were introduced widely to the market. I hope that I have learned about them earlier and could have save more money. The use of internet is readily available in our school early on and we used to fall in line and get our library card signed everytime we get in the computer library. As much as I could recall, every student has around 40 minutes to one hour per day. We have a computer at home, but to have an internet access demands that you have extra money to have a good connection. Otherwise, you have to be patient with a very slow internet connection. It is a different case in the Philippines were I grew up. 

These days, students are so fortunate to learn about all these technological advances in school at a very young age. On a much brighter side, parents are more aware and generous in providing their children the best. Therefore, opportunities to develop themselves gets better as they grow older and achievable more.

Books in your e-book reader

It was in my college days in 2002 when some students started carrying e-book readers and in most cases, I thought that they were very studious and well provided. I think it is cool though. I was fond of staying at the library and read a physical book and taking quick naps in between. The working students at that time were aware of that I must say. 😉

The Introduction of E-books

To give you an overview, I made a summary about the e-book reader history. The information was collected from Wikipedia.

An e-reader, also called an e-book reader or e-book device, is a mobile electronic device  that is designed primarily for the purpose of reading digital e-books and periodicals.

  • An e-reader is capable of holding thousands of books while weighing less than one.
  • 1998: The Rocket Book was the first commercial e-reader and several others were introduced.
  • 2004: Electronic paper was incorporated first into the Sony Librie 
  • 2006: Sony Reader was released
  • 2007: Amazon Kindle, a device which, upon its release, sold out within five and a half hours. The Kindle includes access to the Kindle Store for e-book sales and delivery.

E-books are a good way to save money and at the same time, it becomes easier to find books on-line (and many are free to download) which are readily available in different languages. I provided a link below.


iBooks is an e-book application by Apple Inc. for its iOS and macOSoperating systems and devices. It primarily receives EPUB content content from the iBooks Store, but users can also add their own EPUB and PDF files via data synchronization with iTunes. Additionally, the files can be downloaded to iBooks through Safari or Apple Mail. -Wikipedia

Right now, I discovered the use of iBog® (a registered trademark of Systime). In the school at NEXT Uddannelse in Copenhagen, the use of iBog is recommended since they are being updated regularly. I find it very good and convenient to use. For me, physical academic books contains complete and extended information, but on the other hand, some do not read the whole book. The introduction of digitally available books are great and very useful to some people. I must admit, touching the pages of a physical book is better in my world, but I am starting to the system of e-book reading for practical reasons as well as again, convenience. 

(this statement from systime website, fyi.)

Bridging the gap between book and web, Systime’s online publication is called an internetBook (iBog®). It is an interactive, web-based book produced as a single source publication with interactive tests, videos and animations.

  • You must be online to use an iBog®
  • When purchasing an iBog® at Systime, choose the license period that suits your needs.
  • Once you’ve completed your order, you will automatically receive an e-Key in an email along with a guide on how it is activated and used.

Nowadays, technology in every aspect of our lives is available and becomes easier to access regardless of economic status. Let us share the learnings we discover each day and educate ourselves in different ways. Remember that this is not all about academics, but also our hobbies and interests. 

You may leave a comment below if you have any suggestions.

Thank you!

-Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

Founder, Blooming Etiquette

“Tiklop”What the old and new technology can do to a greener transport system?

In one of my research projects of finding alternative modes of transportation that is undoubtedly creating an impact to our environment, I discovered the TSP group that was founded in 2009 led by Pio Fortuno.

I remember back in 2014, TSP escorted us into a rural place in the Philippines in support to the Rotary Club of Angeles Skytown medical and dental mission in the area of Sapangbato, Angeles City.

Many might not know, that the Philippines is considered an agricultural and developing country, but sad to say that more areas in the center of the country is waste and air polluted. Admit it or not, from the time we were thought to be responsible of our own trash, we sometimes forget or worst, have ignored it even if it is just a tiny trash from a candy wrapper.

On the brighter side, many Filipinos are excelling in promoting a healthier environment and that counts to peace and prosperity. One movement would not be enough to say “I participate in the development.” One should always be consistent in his/her mission towards achieving his goals. Small or big it may be. If not, pass the knowledge or awareness to someone who could do it or make the lead afterwards. Life is always a cycle, we received, we give, we learn, we support, we lead.

Moreover, air pollution is a major problem in many countries in the world. Some car companies started producing electrical powered cars that could provide cleaner exhausts and green mobility. We do not of course state that diesel powered cars should be taken out into consideration when it comes to private and public vehicle/modes of transportation. These great helps our industry, both air and land.

Green transport system is a contribution to lessen the dependency of the use of oil in general. Reducing it to some amount so that we would then use it either for household or industrial purposes.

In Denmark, bicycling is very popular and it is also because it is a part of their culture. In every city and in small streets, you will see bicycle lanes and even stop lights for these lanes. A lot of people uses it everyday to go to school, work, grocery shopping, travelling, as a sport, as an exercise and many more.

I learned to bicycle even when I am wearing high heeled shoes and a dress on. What could be more fashionable and practical than riding a bicycle? 😉 Just do not forget a helmet on.

Sometimes, you will see the danish or the new danes are wearing formal dresses and coats. Yes, the cost of public transportation in Denmark is very high. Oh yes. From my own point of view, it might be because of the environmental hazards it has and at the same time, things like these in Denmark are heavily taxed. I will try to reach out to DSB, Ministry of Transport and to the ministry of Food and Environment to know more about it and enlighten more of my readers of this topic.

In the statement below, you will learn about the Tiklop Society of the Philippines. This is from TSP’s facebook page.

The Tiklop Society of the Philippines is a Philippine-based, non-stock, non-profit organization that brings together decent people with a singular love and appreciation for folding bicycles. It is a nexus for discussion about the technical aspects of these bikes as well as avenue for fostering camaraderie among the members by facilitating friendly discussions, meet-ups and rides. All folding bike brands are welcome here, as we are bound by the folding action of these amazing machines. Tiklop, is the Filipino word for “fold”.

TSP seeks to promote the use of folding bikes as a means to better oneself and achieve cleaner air and more livable cities. By nature of its fold, these bikes are most suitable to bimodal transportation, wherein one combines biking with other modes of public transportation such as buses, jeepneys, or trains. Through this, one can easily increase their range of travel and this will hopefully cut down on the number of private cars on the road. These bikes are well suited to urban landscape with its quick fold, they may be taken inside establishments such as malls, groceries, markets, banks and the workplace. If enough people bike to their destinations instead of using cars, there will be less road congestion, promote cleaner air, calmer streets and a healthier populace.

Formed in 2009, TSP has rapidly grown from a single member to quite a handful today. In a short time, TSP has been instrumental in making small-wheeled folding bikes acceptable to the riding public. 

For further information about TSP, visit their facebook group:

Tiklop Society of the Philippines.

You can also download the project in pdf form of the Ministry of Transport in Denmark entitled “A Greener Transport”. You might get great ideas and inspiration. You are welcome to write to me so I can send you a pdf form of it to your e-mail. Contact me under the contact details section of my website. See their official website here:

The photo in this page was taken during one of TSP’s “Lighten Up” Projects wherein we stand by the side of the road and flag down bike commuters from the financially challenged sectors, and when they stop we outfit their bikes with lights and give them vests and helmets if we have any. This way it is hoped that they have a safer journey when they ply the roads to and from work everyday. Such is the spirit of TSP, where we aim to give back to society as well. 

Photo courtesy of TSP.

Part 1. Shifting to an electric bicycle

In this video, normal, customized and race bicycles are shown. This represents the different purposes of having one. Some uses it as a way to exercise, as a sport and as a mode of transportation. You might like to read the Part 1 of Green Transport of Blooming Etiquette. (see video her)

As we grow, our priorities changes into something that fits to our daily lives and definitely compromising some of our luxuries. We practically learn the difference between luxury and needs. If I could think of a luxury that I had 6 years ago was that going to the salon and having my hair fix by a trained hairstylist on a regular basis or or even more.

But all of that changed after some time, I get to be contented by coloring my own hair and treating myself into a homemade spa that could be easily found in our kitchen. Result, I have managed to pay my bills on time and had saved up for something more important like eating the food that I am craving for and being in the mall with my small siblings having delicious meals at a restaurant once in a while. Then I realized, it is our basic needs that needs to be fulfilled first before everything else. 

Abraham Maslow’s pyramid of needs is very true.

In this part of my research about electrically and or manually powered vehicles, I have noticed that it is quite expensive to invest/convert to these methods. 

Do you know why? 

Aside from the reason that not too many manufacturers at the moment, converting to green energy is something that is not normal to many of us. For more than a century, we were dependent on using fuel/diesel/gasoline/oil powered vehicles. The reality is that fuel/gasoline/oil helps us enormously and will until forever. What we do not know is that consuming these resources in large amounts each time, results to becoming limited.

Sad to say, it takes a lot of effort to start it or maintain it. I myself had a hard time realizing that as well. Soon, I will be using bicycle regularly as a form of transportation going to places I’ve never been before. hehehe! But yes to places like supermarket, school, workplace, visiting friends and more.

Through my interview with Jacob about his long-waited wish, I get to know him deeply. His needs, his dreams and his priorities.

I told him a couple of times, “we have many tricycle manufacturers in the Philippines and it is 7x or more cheaper”. It is because in the Philippines, motor-powered tricycle  is a very popular mode of transportation to small streets. There may be some manufacturers who are currenlty working to align them or built to be electrically powered. At some point, I believe it is possible. There will be more filipinos who will be in that business and hopefully they will be receiving a fair labor cost.

(This is a sample picture of a tricycle in the Philippines. Grabbed from Google shared public photos.)

This is the part 1 of my interview and part of my research about “Technology & the Environment”. I will try my best to write in a very informative manner so everyone who reads my homepage would learn about a greener transport system (which talks about public transport system and private cars). I will conduct short interviews from the manufacturer(s) and other related parties to enlighten you more.

I would like to be the first one to write about his long-waited dream vehicle and so I think I was fast enough to take videos and research on some other topics closely related to it. 😀

Take note that his electric bicycle is customized. It was designed according to Jacob’s needs specifically. I could not fit myself on it because I could not reach the pedals. Maybe I am a bit short. :/

Sheree: Hej min kære. What made you thought about having an electric bicycle?

Jacob: The thought of getting a bike with an electric assist was like getting a very cheap electric car that could get me cheaply to work. I used to drive a suzuki alto which is also economically sound. I normally spend between 1,500 – 2,200 danish kroners for the gasoline each month (take note: taxation cost is very high in Denmark and Norway). It is equalled to their good social welfare.

With this bicycle, the single fully-charged battery could take you as far as 140 km. That is equalled to/ more or less to 4 hours of bicycling at a speed of 35km/hour. Max speed of the electric bicycle is 75 km/hr.

Sheree: Would you like to share with us how you learned about it; that it could possibly help you a lot in saving money?

I knew that your primary purpose of getting one is for a better economy. You save more by driving a bicycle on the way to work everyday instead of a car that needs to have its insurance maintained, gasoline, repairs, etc.

Jacob:  Well, I spent a lot of time into research to figure out what kind of electric bicycle to get and how it could cope to the weather situations in Denmark. As you said the economic factors plays a big role also a bonus in getting one is that you get to have great health benefits from it since you exercise while you are travelling with it.

Sheree: How did you find the suppliers/manufacturers?

Jacob:  I did manage to find the producer of my velomobil through the internet. It wasn’t easy to find him since it is not yet that popularly introduce to the danish/scandinavian market.

Sheree: You mentioned to me before that you talked first to a chinese manufacturer who promised to produce one but failed to do so, maybe because of the probability that the manufacturer’s economy could not afford to invest making one to its clients who will be initially be depositing at least 10% of the full amount. Luckily, you managed to get back your money back after a few months of dispute.

Jacob: The producer from China did not seemed to be able to manufacture it at a time frame as we agreed and also there was no hard proof that the product is being made during that time.

Sheree: You have been driving it for 2 weeks now. Tell us what are the pros and cons of having one, based on your observation.

Jacob:  The pros and cons



You get to save money. No gasoline. Charging the battery is like charging a cellphone.

Low maintenance like an ordinary bicycle.

The battery could be turned on and off.

The battery from my experience helps you keep with the pace or consistent speed km/hour pedalling.

Exercise which is good for overall health.

A magnent for conversation and common interests.


Sometimes you get a lot of attention since it is new to their eyes.

Cannot just park it everywhere in the city or public places at the moment.

Sheree: Investment wise, do you think it is worth paying the money or loan in the bank (if there is or if possible) for some matters by having a special electric bicycle?

Jacob:  Well for me it is since im going to use it the whole year round and hopefully more than a decade of rain and cold weather, while a normal bike would be too hazard to use sometimes. Example snow and rainwater if there’s any. So yes its worth paying/working for the things that would benefit you in the future. But nonetheless, it all depends to a person’s preference.

Sheree: What are the (special) specs of your electric bicycle?

Jacob:  Weight 38 kilograms without a passenger (the weight of the battery makes the most of it).

It has 18 gears.

It was designed to flow with the air easier ”aero dynamics” so the body or casing itself is very light and moves fast when you drive it. The bonus part is that you are protected and/enveloped when driving. It has windows that could protect you from the rain and wind in the winter time (that is to be reviewed in the next 3-5 months).


Sheree Ann K. Indiongco

Continue reading below to see the video of Jacob’s electric bicycle and my blog about folding bikes & Tiklop Society of the Philippines (TSP).