Ecological Farming and The Danish Organic Label



The voyage has began. Make it a good journey.

Defining what a beautiful garden is has changed after moving to a little town in the middle of Zealand. Roughly 60 kilometers from the city of Copenhagen. Fruit-bearing berry bushes and potatoes of our own and a few easy to grow indoor herbs in the summer season. These are one of the few things that makes me and my husband Jacob the chance to be both creative and busy in our free time.

We know that a good eco-system is as crucial as producing our basic needs. We might not be aware of it, probably because we think that we are getting what we need or maybe we are just settling for what we already have. All living organisms takes part in Biodiversity. We planted some wild flowers in our garden. Having them helps in the pollination process. The flowers produce seeds that the wild birds love.

Swimming fish

The UN defines biodiversity as: “The diversity of living organisms in all environments, both on land and in water, as well as the ecological interactions in which the organisms are part. Biodiversity includes the variation within and between species as well as the diversity of ecosystems.” In other words, biodiversity is all life on earth, including animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and other living things both on land and in water.

the danish environmental protection agency
Wild flowers for the bees and birds in our backyard
Strawberry bush, goji- and raspberry plant
Harvested from our garden

A Day with Vivi and Henrik

The Danish Organic Label. It takes three years to achieve the certification of a state authorized organic farming. Regular control of the authorities is conducted. Vivi and Henrik achieved the certification in 2023.

On the 18th of September, I had the privilege of interviewing the couple Vivi Hjort Hansen and her husband Henrik in their farm in Herlufmagle, Denmark. They own a farm with 56 organic certified chickens with the race Isa Brown and Lohmann Lite. They get to walk all year round in a 5000 sq. meters orchard. They produces eggs that are organic.

In 2021, I googled “gårdbutikker” in our area and one of them is Vivi’s Pryd. Since then, our honey, concentrated fruit extracts (saft) for drinks and marmalade are exclusively bought in their shop. We also love their frozen berries, perfect for Elise’s and Josefina’s morning breakfast as toppings for their yoghurt.

One-on-one Interview

Watch the following videos of my personal interview with the couple.

Sheree: Hvornår starter idéen om økologisk landbrug og i hvilken omfang er opfyldelsen af drømmen påvirket jer at udvide de råvarer, som I har haft i forvejen?

  • Vi havde en drøm om at være selvforsynende, så da vi købte Toftehøj, så vi en mulighed for at udleve drømmen. Vi har aldrig tænkt at vi skulle sprøjte med gift eller bruge anden kemi, så økologien er det naturlige valg for os. Vi så også en mulighed for at lave gårdbutik og en dag kunne leve af at sælge frugt og grønt. For at kunne markedsføre økologiske varer så skal man være certificeret økolog, så vi omlagde til økologi i 2020. Der går 3 år før jorden er økologisk. Da vi planlagde frugtplantagen valgte vi alle de frugter og bær, som vi kendte, i forskellige sorter. Gennem de sidste 4 år har vi udvidet med fx kvæde og havtorn.

“For at kunne markedsføre økologiske varer så skal man være certificeret økolog, så vi omlagde til økologi i 2020. Der går 3 år før jorden er økologisk.”

  • Vi havde også en ide om at vi kunne dyrke mange forskellige grøntsager. Det skulle vise sig at være sværere end som så. Vi har nok taget meget jord ind til køkkenhave, da vi også vil dyrke til salg i gårdbutikken. Vi har lært meget i de sidste 4 år. Lige nu dyrker vi kun de letteste grønsager som kartofler, løg, grønkål, bønner, rødbeder, kålrabi og havre, men vi tror stadig på, at vi bliver dygtigere og har en drøm om at dyrke flere grøntsager.

“Når vi dyrker jorden er vi nødt til også at tænke på jordens fertilitet. Der skal ryddes for ukrudt, der skal gødes og der skal være vand nok. Skadedyr som snegle, mosegrise og rotter skal fjernes manuelt uden brug af gift.”

Vivi hjort hansen

Sheree: Det kan være, at det startede som hobby for jer og en stor interesse for økologi, som mange andre, der begyndte at benytte et naturliger alternativ til de konventionelle fødevarer og hudplejeprodukter.

  • Det har været vigtigt for os at blive certificeret til økologisk landbrugsproduktion og få status som et rigtigt landbrug. Markedsføringsmæssigt er ø-mærket vigtigt og det at vi kan sige at vi er økologiske med sikkerhed. Det er verificeret og kontrolleret af myndighederne. Grundet Vivis baggrund i Landbrugsstyrelsen har vi valgt også at søge landbrugsstøtte. Men for almindelige mennesker er det fint nok bare at tænke økologi. Økologi betyder for os ingen sprøjtegifte, ingen kemi og god dyrevelfærd. Når vi dyrker jorden er vi nødt til også at tænke på jordens fertilitet. Der skal ryddes for ukrudt, der skal gødes og der skal være vand nok. Skadedyr som snegle, mosegrise og rotter skal fjernes manuelt uden brug af gift.
  • Når man køber frø og planter bør man købe økologiske frø, for så støtter man at selve plante og frø-produktionen også er økologisk ellers vil disse blive produceret med sprøjtegifte og anden kemi. Noget de fleste nok ikke tænker på. Økologiske frø og planter bliver mere tilgængelige i butikkerne, men man er nødt til at købe en del på nettet.

Sheree: Hvilke faktorer I kigger på mest, når I skal ud på marken i både de kolde og varme måneder? Dvs. hønsene, osv.

  • Vi kigger på vejret. Før man sår så skal jorden have en temperatur, gerne mindst 5 grader. Man måler med et termometer. Jorden kan heller ikke være for våd, så kører traktoren fast.

  • Hønsene er ude hele året, også i snevejr. Hønsene er faktisk skovhøns og går inde i et lille stykke skov om vinteren, hvor de er beskyttet mod vejr og vind. Vi gemmer æbler, græs, rodfrugter og havre til hønsene om vinteren

Sheree: Hvilke råvarer trives næsten året rundt?

  • Rabarber er nok den grøntsag som kan høstes mest og i længst tid. Kål og rodfrugter kan stå ind til frosten kommer. Man kan dække til med hø, man skal bare være opmærksom på skadedyr, som snegle, der også gerne vil være under høet og spise med og yngle. Man kan opbevare bær i fryseren og man kan sylte. Kartofler kan gemmes i en flaminco kasse og stå køligt. Den danske natur giver ikke rigtig mulighed for at høste flere gange årligt, som man fx kan i varmere lande.

Sheree: Hvad gør I for at sikre jer, at der er råvarer, der kan høstes i de kommende sæsoner?

  • Vi planlægger om efteråret hvad vi vil dyrke kommende år. Vi gøder om efteråret og beskærer frugttræer. Vi indsamler nogle frø hos os selv. Vi køber også frø og fx løg i god tid. Vi tænker meget over hvordan året gik og hvad vi tror på, at vi kan nå og overkomme til næste år. Altså hvad gik godt, og hvad gik skidt.
  • Vi tager stiklinger fra fx solbær og ribs i februar som udplantes i oktober-november. Vi tænker over hvad vi mangler til gårdbutikken. Hvad kan være lækkert at lave syltetøj af. Vi har en plan for hvor mange bær, der skal i fryseren, så vi kan lave syltetøj hele vinteren og foråret indtil der kommer bær igen.

Sheree: Hvordan håndterer I parasitter, sygdom og smitterisiko både med jeres dyr (hønsene) og grøntsager?

  • Vi tager aldrig gæster med ind til hønsene og vi bruger selv et par gummistøvler, der står i hønsehuset, til når vi skal ind i huset. Dette for at mindske smitterisiko. Hvis høns bliver syge skal de slagtes, så vi passer på dem. Vi bruger strøelse i hønsehuset, der skal holde huset tørt. Vi må rengøre dagligt, og vi muger ud flere gange årligt.

  • Skadedyr som snegle fjerne manuelt. Vi må sætte fælder op til mosegris og rotter.
  • Vi har hegnet ind så harer og rådyr ikke kommer ind og spiser med.
  • Vi sætter fx fuglekasser og insekthoteller op. Mange fugle tager skadedyr og vi er heldige at have både ugler og rovfugle, der tager mus. Insekter kan holde hinanden i skak. Fx så spiser biller og bænkebidere snegleæg hvilket mindsker mængden af snegle. Myrer er vigtige, da de kan holde fx æbletræer/frugttræer fri for sygdom, så ikke noget med at fjerne myrer. På sigt kunne vi godt tænke os at få skovmyrer, da de kan sørge for frugten ikke får så mange sygdomme. Godt plads mellem træerne giver også mindre chance for sygdom.

Sheree: Hvad bruger/ gør I, som kan være et godt alternativ til at beskytte og at behandle de ovennævnte udfordringer? Hvordan laver I kompost, der kan bruges som gødning til jeres planter? Er der nogle specifikke regler, som I har lært selv ved at lave sin egen kompost?

  • Vi bruger pt hønsemøj til gødning. Da hønsemøj er meget stærk og ikke bare kan bruges ufortyndet, laver vi en beholder hvor vi blandet møj med vand. Det skal stå en måned og så fortyndes yderligere inden vi vander med det. Vi virker fint, men man skal passe på ikke at gøde for meget. Det kan give kålpest og man kan godt ødelægge jorden.
  • Vi bruger også græsafklip til at dække jorden med. Ormene tager græsset ned og laver det til jord/kompost. Græsset forhindrer også at noget ukrudt ikke vokser. Græsset holder på fugtigheden så frø lettere kan vokse op uden at vi skal vande.

Sheree: Hvor meget opbakning I får, som nye økologiske landmænd i de lokale samfund omkring jer?

Sheree: Hvad kræver det, at være en (amatør) landmand med begrænset viden om teknik eller processen med landbrugsproduktion? Man behøver ikke være uddannet landmand for at gøre det muligt at dyrke sine egne råvarer, enten kun for eget forbrug eller en mulighed for at tjene penge fra det.

  • Vi tror faktisk at en del har vejboder med grøntsager som de selv har dyrket. Folk kan gerne lide at købe grøntsager fra private. Mange der har haver, har også frugttræer eller jordbær i haven.
  • Vi ønsker også at være med til at formidle den økologiske tankegang, så folk vænner sig til at økologi bare er det naturlige valg og man behøver ikke at sprøjte og bruge gift, slet ikke der hjemme hvor man har sin familie.

Sheree: Ser I fremtidsmuligheder for at levere produkter til de lokale supermarkeder eller små forhandler, der sælger specielle udvalg fra lignende interesse, dvs. samarbejdspartnere?

  • Ja helt klart. Vi har været i dialog med fx Københavns kommune og flere andre specialbutikker, der gerne vil købe vores produkter. Vi tænker at det kommer lige med tiden, når vores frugttræer giver mere frugt.
Biodiversity Organic Denmark

Turnkey Solutions

ShereeEDUSustainability, Technology

We are capable of doing a lot of things, creating great artworks, building infrastructures, writing novels, making new inventions like AI robots and a lot more. At the same time, we are equally capable of destroying the things we build or make or worse, ignoring consciously the things that we have or the things we get freely from nature, resulting in having limited- resources or social networks in the end. Aside from the natural calamities and phenomenons, we are greatly responsible for sustaining it.

-welcome to the reality

The sad truth is that some parts of the world don’t have enough access to electricity and they have very limited access to clean/drinkable ground water. Right now, many parts of the world are experiencing continuous extremely high temperatures that affect their way of living rapidly. The homeless and less fortunate people are struggling to get clean water to cool themselves off. Heat stroke has been called a silent killer and it is getting harder to ignore the signs of global warming when our health becomes compromised.

Clean water. Children in the water by Sheree. Summer of 2017. The time of the Vikings. Denmark

In the beginning (and still at the present time), people might have been content living using natural resources and without much demand to use energy, clothing and electronics, but we (continuously) evolve and change is constant.

The originals – Aetas. Picture taken in 2014 during Rotary Club of Angeles Skytown’s outreach in the rural areas of Sapangbato, Angeles City, Philippines.

There is a fine line between willing to understand the problem and contributing in doing and accomplishing the goal(s). We cannot just take life as it is and say that it is Fate (Tadhana).

Time only turns clockwise and we can only look back, and not dwell, but learn from the past.

Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which arenaturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

Turnkey Solutions

I had the privilege to interview Sarah Dubord-Gagnon, the Group Coordinator of the company in their office in Vedbæk, Denmark on the 7th of September 2017.

In my eagerness to find organizations and companies that are willing to share their knowledge about green energy, I was lucky enough to find one. We learned on the first section of this blog a little about renewable energy and how do we acquire energy from nature. Now, we know that energy could be stored and use, allowing us to save money. The only thing that hinders us sometimes in converting to these methods is because of economic and unfortunately, some political concerns.

With Sarah Dubord-Gagnon. I wrote this article voluntarily for Blooming Etiquette in 2017.

As our conversation goes deeper into the economic part, I slowly realized that it could be possible with more understanding for long term benefits. This will save industries from paying a lot on their electric bills and also their end-consumers as well. Return of investment could be the most asked question when shifting to it. Read my blog about our family’s decision (Hybrid X Villa De Rosas Silvestres) to have solar panels installed in our house, which we are very happy about.

Turnkey solution for your clean energy needs

The company will study your industry’s energy consumption, needs and location to see a good possibility of placing renewable sources of energy such as solar panels or windmills around your building(s).

Show you a calculation on how much you could save and even the possibility of earning in the future, especially if you, as a company have learned to use energy efficient utilities.

Assists you in the maintenance of clean energy solutions to achieve a sustainable production of your company’s energy.

Tailor made solutions since industries or corporations have different needs and the company could offer several solutions like EMS.

How does Energy Management System works?

The EMS is what makes the technologies all work together and communicate together in order to manage and optimize your sources of energy and lower significantly your costs. It is not only about installing renewable energy sources but making source that they all work together to reach the highest possible performances. That’s the description of our global services: They understand the goals and challenges, defines the needs, advance data analytics, solution architecture, implementation and finally helps you in achieving Co2 reduction and cost savings. -HS

We hope that you have learned something today. We provided some helpful links below for more information.

Thank you for reading my articles.



The Sculptor’s Paradise


Old and classic design releases its hidden elegance when combined with beautiful modern details. The thought of passing it through the next generations makes it even exclusive. These furnitures are art pieces and heirlooms!

I had once again the privilege of interviewing virtually Richard and Thristle Buxani, the sweet couple I met inside Tivoli in Copenhagen last Spring season. Richard is a sculptor who specializes in brass and an architect by profession. His brass sculptures were recently exhibited at the Venice Art Gallery entitled “Minari”, held in Venice, Italy from April 23 to May 7, 2022.

“The balinese guesthouse uses upcycled timber from demolished houses for floorboards, ceiling, trusses, jambs and storage area. It also has its rain water collection system stored in an underground ciatern tank.” -Richard Buxani, artist & designer

“The balinese guesthouse uses upcycled timber from demolished houses for floorboards, ceiling, trusses, jambs and storage area. It also has its rain water collection system stored in an underground ciatern tank.” -Richard Buxani, artist & designer

The chandelier gives the guest house a beautiful light ambience. I have always been fond of lamps and on my exams four years ago at the entrepreneur school in Denmark, I presented Louis Poulsen lamps.

In this picture, Richard found this old chandelier that fits perfectly with the ceiling. It is indeed, a good junkyard find.

Me and Jacob’s next big project would be our terrace overlooking our garden and the wild field, where the deers and horses runs around and eats grass. We have to work harder, I know.

A corner with a beautiful landscaping, made even more relaxing and back-in-time feel with the garden steel furnitures from the 70’s.

Undoubtedly this gate was made to lasts and the craftmanship that Richard has put into it, will bring out the memories in you.

Richard is a sculptor who specializes in brass and an architect by profession. His brass sculptures were recently exhibited at the Venice Art Gallery entitled “Minari”, held in Venice, Italy from April 23 to May 7, 2022. Richard is a sculptor who specializes in brass and an architect by profession. You might want to learn about the artist here.

I remember my Lola Elena who had a Singer sewing machine. She sewed a shiny, victorian yellow dress for my doll when I was six. The curtains and sofa covers she sewed we had back then at home lasted more than two decades until the textile sofa needs to be changed.

Furnitures made of tree are preferred in tropical countries like the Philippines. Most of the very good ones are made of Narra (Pterocarpus indicus) tree.

A set of recycled furniture at “Kalyehón Cafe” (alley/street corner). One should also learn how to treat wood properly to keep them in good condition. Avoid using harsh chemicals to treat both old and new furnitures since it has long term negative effects on one’s health.

You might wonder about, how many years it took the artist and his family to complete this project. Being resourceful and creative is a skill that doesn’t demand a lot from our pockets. I personally invests on antique and vintage ceramic, clay, and stone wares, display cabinets and a few good old kitchen utilities. During my free time (which I unfortunately do not have much as of the moment), I drive around “loppemarked” (thrift shops with antiques and vintage things and furnitures), second shops like Red Cross, Blue Cross, and the on-line shop DBA.

Technology. We are moving forward.

A brass sculptor’s gate. The recycled sewing machine parts turned into artistic pieces.

Thank you for reading. I hope my articles brings you information that is needed to inspire and encourage you as well in reaching your goals, both in big and small ways. “We always need to start somewhere at one point”, said my loving husband Jacob.

This article is not paid. It was written voluntarily with my willingness to share awareness. You are welcome to share my page to your friends and families. I am a web designer enthusiast and wishing that someday I can design websites and continue to improve my journalistic side. Write to me under contact page if you are interested to collaborate/ join my professional network.

Best Regards,

Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

Inside My Lunch box


This article is written voluntarily. It is currently revised. It was originally published in 2018 under my first website – Blooming Etiquette.
Delivering the dream – Hope Project

Do you remember the time when you were small, attending school, bringing a couple of books, a lunch box and sitting on a desk that you probably have owned for a year or so?

In this 2-minute read article, we will learn about two different non-profit organizations that are focused on providing education and well-being of the children.

Questions to ponder

How many children in the world, do you think experiences a great time being in the school – having food in their lunch box, learning how to socialize and are encouraged to learn? How high are the chances that these children can go to a school and further learn more than A,B,C and count more than 1 to 10? How do they learn to plant trees and grow them?

In some countries, education is not always free, especially a good education. 

What is then a good education for you? It does not always necessarily mean, coming from a prestige university, but a school or education system that matches the teaching standards of most countries. I am very happy to hear that the education/curriculum in the Philippines is accredited in Denmark, in most European countries and in many parts of the world. I have hoped that we had more practical applications and tests than theoretical methods, so we could fully understand and immerse ourselves in the subject that time. Schools have different cultures as well.

How can a high quality of education be achieved? How can we contribute to the development of each shool? 

2004. My brothers and sisters from Alpha Phi Omega. We graduated in the same school. I am happy to say that almost everybody in this picture are successful engineers and accountants. I just realized it today.

What is inside your lunchbox that you could share with others?

I had a sandwich with Cheez Whiz spread on, a pack of Cream-O and in rare cases, a chocolate drink from Moo.  Sometimes when I get lucky, I get knick knacks (small chocolate coated biscuits). Those were my favorite! It made me feel excited to go to school.

Sharing a portion of what’s inside our lunch box is what we always aim to do. It’s in our checklist to make sure that we have more than enough to share (unconsciously). I believe in better welfare for children who looks forward in going to school, living healthy and feeling safe in their own homes.

SOS Children’s Villages

Being a godmother to one of the children living in one of the headquarters of SOS Børnebyerne in Nepal makes me realize how fortunate we are despite the imperfections and challenges we encounter in our daily lives.

I can clearly remember when my uncle used to make morning breakfast for me and bring me to school and read my assignments with him after school. Back then, the teachers used to write a lot on the blackboard for the students to copy and practice their writing skills. It was a different time, different system and different culture. Now we have e-books, tablets, I-pad and iBog®.

Photo credits from Jacob’s familie’s archive back in 19xx

From school, we learn to read and write and it is considered as our second home. It is where you learn things that are not probably discussed at the dining table. It is not only academics, but also values. These helps us to do good in practical application, which we will find useful when we start living on our own, building our own houses or simply reparing the faucet. It will also benefit us in finding a good job, to do what we really want, or even become a good parent. Sky is the limit as what my father says.

Reminiscing highschool and college

Oh yes, I could remember my teachers back in highschool, they used to tell a story of their experiences and at the end of the year, we all know his/her life story. 😀

Holy Angel University, Philippines, 2015

Learning is an unending process.

16 How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

Proverbs 16:16

Volunteering gives us a sense of accompishment; knowing that we can give despite the scarce resources we have and limited capabilities.

You are welcome to write a comment below and share your thougths that may be helpful.

You might also like to read:

Paperless Reading

Helpful links:

Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Denmark

Department of Education Philippines

Best Regards,

Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

Hybrid X Villa De Rosas Silvestres


More than your daily dose of vitamin D

A single battery can carry up to 6.13 KWh. The rest goes to the grid. We installed two batteries.
Coffee press to achieve your fresh brewed coffee in a practical way.
Meet my Handyman
16 x solar panels facing the sun from afternoon up to the rest of the day during the summer time. (Winter months are a bit challenging).
Investing in Green Initiatives
“When the sun goes down and the band won’t play, I’ll always remember us this way.” -Lady Gaga, soundtrack from the movie A Star is Born

It was a well thought decision when we decided to have a solar-energy powered house. It has always been a project in mind that Jacob and me primarily wishes to fulfill. An investment that turned into great savings, today and in the future. It is always not about being environment-friendly thinking. This is more of a futuristic view. A number of things was put into consideration including the efficiency and energy usage of the white wares we are using. My wish of travelling through a cruise ship in the north sea has been the very least of my personal wish list. I have my “guldklumper” anyway.

The good old days and the good old ways. Picture of Jacob’s grandma back in 19xx

Elise and Josefina helping mommy. We try not to use the dryer in the summer months as much as possible.

As to our curiosity and being ambitious, getting a windmill in a residential area has unfortunately not been possible for some reasons. Those giant wind mills fascinates me, both in terms of technology and the power of mother nature itself. Apparently, there are smaller windmills that can be mounted on a roof/building. Another interesting project to fulfill in the near future. Everything at the right moment.

Almost more than half of the world is aware about the now, energy crisis. It is more of a preparation than a surprise. People can be unpredictable, except for this matter. Our priorities are different, as we all are unique. The wind may only take you to where it blows if you let it be.

I thought it was getting closer to us.
Voila! It landed it front of our house. Summer of 2022.

Energy has many forms and comes from different sources. Either you are blessed with oil, gas, coal, geothermal, wind, solar and hydropower, it is your creativity, awareness combined with determination that will both save and give you independence. In Iceland for example, where hot springs can be found in great numbers, geothermal power is at its highest.

To help us monitor our energy usage, we practice the method of using general appliances when the energy cost is at lowest/cheapest. Our energy provider has an App to let us see the actual cost per kilowatt hour. Some days are sunny and sometimes windy. Right now, the windmills in Denmark are running constantly. No mountains. It reminds me of the danish song, “I et land uden høje bjerge” A country without high mountains. No wonder it is very windy.

Upcoming article: Setting Font Color In the Philippines
House built by the use of Upcycled and Recycled Materials

Thank you for reading.

Best Regards,


As close as you could get. Picture taken at the rooftop of Widex, Lynge, Denmark. 2016. A private windmill of a firm.

Helpful links to make you think and ponder.

On Equal Terms


It is always a challenge to learn the language of the host country. And it is definitely needed in order to effectively communicate with the children, thereby creating a close relationship with them by eliminating the language barrier. So I learned by going to the language school.” – Joy Escaño

Originally published on June 01, 2017 under (my previous website).

Let us learn about Joy Escaño, currently an au pair in Sweden. Joy had been in Denmark for 2 years where she became a part of a loving Danish family. I have known Joy from a Christian church located in Nørrebro, Copenhagen named FCCC (Filipino Christian Church Communites) where I have been baptized as a Christian.

Joy and I have met in the ladies’ room at FCCC before the Sunday church service in 2015. Having been in this type of cultural exchange program myself for 15 months has helped me discover more of my potentials by engaging through different activities like actively volunteering together with the Dansk Folkehjælp (Danish People’s Aid) at the same time, engaging with the locals and building good relationships. These are the things that we can take back with us or share to our homeland – to our family and to the society so others could see what is beyond their understanding or knowledge about living abroad and in a country with a different culture, a few number of different nationalities and technologically advance country.

2015. Copenhagen

From then on, our friendship started and grew fondly. I believe that the story of Joy having been an au pair in Denmark is an example of the term au pair and therefore, an ideal experience to both the host family and the au pair.

Au Pair
 is a french word that translates to “on equal terms”/ becoming a member of a family in your host country.

The purpose of an au pair stay

The term au pair means ‘on equal terms’. The idea of an au pair stay is for a young person to stay with a host family with children under the age of 18 ‘on equal terms’ with the other members of the family. The purpose is for the au pair to improve language and/or professional skills as well as broaden his/her cultural horizon by becoming more acquainted with Denmark. In return, the au pair participates in the host family’s domestic chores (e.g. cleaning, washing clothes, cooking, babysitting) for a minimum of three and a maximum of five hours a day, and no more than six days a week.-from New to Denmark website (see link below)

Joy’s previous host family from Denmark visited her in Sweden. 2017

Heart to heart interview with Joy

SHEREE:    Hi Joy. What a surprised that we will be talking about your great and challenging experience as an au pair that started in Norway, Denmark and now in Sweden. I am aware that you are very determined to do something towards afterwards.

Traveling is one of your passion. You are a reserved person but quite easy to approach. Had been an assistant to the midwife for quite sometime in the Philippines before you started being an au pair in the nothern part of Europe. And I am aware that you have a heart similar to a pædagog; you love children and being with them is a fulfilling tasks for you.

Since I already made an introduction about you, would you like to share a little bit more about you and how did you learn about becoming an Au Pair?

JOY:     I am a midwife by profession but currently engaged in a cultural exchange program here in Sweden. I started being an au pair in Norway in 2013 when my cousin introduced and recommended me to her former host family. When my contract ended, I moved to Denmark to continue with the program. So basically,I have been roaming around Scandinavia for a few years now. 

SHEREE:     What are the things that made you continue in this kind of cultural exchange program?

JOY:    There are quite a number of reasons why I chose to continue. One big factor is the host families. I have been treated so nicely,been cared for and respected. I don’t think I would have continued if I experienced otherwise. I also love travelling. And being an au pair gives me so much opportunity to do so and I get to meet and make friends with people from different cultural backgrounds. 

Joy together with her previous host family from Denmark and the children of her new host family in Sweden. 2017.

SHEREE:     Would you like to share with us the challenges you had being an Au Pair? How did you cope up with these kind of situations?

For me and based from my own experience as well, it was challenging and a test of one’s ability to cope up with change, discrimination in some areas, countered with being competitive in form of good values, perseverance and the ability to integrate with the danes / danish culture.

I would never forget those times when I used to spend a weekend at your place and go to the church together on Sundays.

Friends in Denmark back in 2015

JOY:    Being an au pair requires me to live life in a foreign country away from my family. And it’s not easy. I still grapple with homesickness. And it feels terrible whenever I miss major family occasions such as weddings, family reunions, birthday parties etc.

“Men, I just feel left out. And I think most au pairs will agree with me on this. But thank God for social media.”

“Secondly, It is always a challenge to learn the language of the host country. And it is definitely needed in order to effectively communicate with the children, thereby creating a close relationship with them by eliminating the language barrier. So I learned by going to the language school.” -Joy

Third, the cultural difference. As a young adult who comes from a completely different culture, it is oftentimes a challenge to live life and do things the way they do without setting aside my own cultural values.

Joy was my Maid of Honor when I got married in December 2016.

SHEREE:    For the last part of this interview, you might like to tell us how being an au pair has helped you become a better person in a special way. Tell us about your expectations and some advice. 

JOY:   Living abroad as an au pair has changed me. I have been living with different host families who accepted and cared for me despite of all the differences and that has helped me to learn to accept and respect other peoples’ differences.

I could also say that I have become more independent, more mature in addressing personal issues, wiser in making decisions and I have even learned to dream bigger. But above all things, living abroad has brought me into a deeper relationship with God. And it’s priceless!

“As an au pair, I experienced a lot of “changes” (change host family, change host country,change environment, etc.) but let us not be afraid to accept and embrace change. It might be painful and tough, but it will cause us to gain something better and will lead us to where we should be. ” -Joy

SHEREE:    Maraming salamat Joy. Missing you here in Denmark. 🙂 I am very happy to have a friend like you. You used to call me ”ate Sheree” and I will always be.

Additional Insights that I want to share as part of the title of my blog On Equal Terms — Broadening Your Cultural horizon.

Looking at it in a different angle, most Filipino Au Pairs that I have met or encountered have finished their bachelor’s degree in the Philippines and some of them have worked for many years in a corporation using their profession and later on came to Denmark to try something new.

While for some young people who are still thinking on what to do, whether you come from the Philippines or other country from Asia, Europe, America or Africa, becoming an Au Pair gives you the opportunity to discover their next step, whether it is a future career or studies.

Sometimes, people find it sad that being an Au Pair could be a way to earn a living. In some cases, it helps a young person to save money and use it economically wise but should not be treated as a career.

For others, a way to experience great adventure in traveling, learning different cultures, meeting new friends from different backgrounds and countries, improving one’s ability to be good at a new language or maybe it is just a part of young person’s dream to explore what it is on the other side of the world. We have the gift of free will and we should always be happy whichever country/part of the world people wanted to spend their wonderful years regardless of race, as long as we take part in being a responsible citizen.

23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. -Luke 12:23 English Standard Version (ESV)

On the other hand, some Filipinos have managed to pursue their studies and eventually work in Denmark. It may not be easy for countries that do not belong to the European Union, but possibilities are afoot backed-up with super effort and perseverance. -Sheree

Filipino Au Pairs are regarded as sweet, honest, trustworthy and hardworking, says most danish families.

In line with this subject, there are a couple of news article that were recently released about the abused au pair scheme. See link below after this paragraph.

I could agree that in some ways it (au pair scheme) is not the same as what it is supposed to be. Again, au pairs should be aware of their rights and privileges like attending the language school, participating/volunteering for events and programs that will improve professional skills and discover hidden talents or abilities. Many of the people (au pair or not) that I have known from the church has been into different ministries and it has pushed them to use their time productively. Therefore, being an au pair would be seen as cultural exchange and not as a job.

A great week of summer vacation together with beautiful people. Conducted by Dansk Folkehjælp with some of my fellow “frivillig”. July 2016.

Moreover, it is important that host families should help in guiding their au pairs on what to do in order for them to maximize and enjoy the au pair stay and in that way one would learn more about the host country’s culture.

Yes, indeed, au pairs and other young people doing extra work or cleaning outside of their host families houses is prohibited.

For we cannot easily prevent this from happening, I hope that the host country and the homeland where au pairs are coming from should conduct thorough and a series of seminars about the exchange program before the au pair stay/deployment. There are regular programs and orientations for au pairs provided by the state which are sometimes overlooked.

Some people who are coming from a place where their families doesn’t have the same economic conditions as normal or average people has, consequences are they tend to work longer and sacrifice themselves without thinking too much of the risks (to their health, safety and rights). But again, people trust them and wanted to help as well. These young women’s expectations are different from what they know and it is sad because they are sometimes judge on what they do. The opportunities are very limited especially for those coming from non-EU countries. But let us not see this as a hindrance, instead treat this as a challenge to do better in many things in a professional manner and to integrate well in a country where we want to settle/live. Denmark and other scandinavian countires have high standards, more than of what I have expected. At one point, I felt so little despite my skills and accomplishments when I was in the Philippines. Later on, many locals have seen my potentials and willingness to learn new things and know their culture deeply and I felt Home.

For my closing remarks, I was hoping that someday there would be more possibilities for au pairs to focus their time with like free short educational courses offered by the state or organizations that they would be encouraged to learn something new instead of working overtime and still do the same routine over again. Then maybe later on it will slowly turn back to the real cultural exchange program. I think that the benefit/program of learning the language of the host country is very good. Moreover, the cultural difference is big considering the economic conditions of some families in the Philippines.         -Sheree

News about the Abolished Au Pair Scheme


Did you know that in Denmark, a high number of Au pairs are Filipino?

You may also like to read Exchange Student

Helpful Links:

Au Pair in Denmark / Application / Information


Filipino Christian Church Communities in Copenhagen